Building Biology

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What Is Building Biology?

Building biology studies the holistic relationship between humans and their indoor environment. It is based on 25 principals looking at 19 different categories in the areas of electrosmog (Electromagnetic fields or EMFs), light, sound, radiation, indoor toxins, indoor pollutants, indoor climate, mold, bacteria, and allergens. The Building Biology standard and guidelines, now in their 8th revision, is the result of over 30 years of research, over 10,0000 actual surveys of sleeping areas in collaboration with over 100 medical physicians along with many scientists, researchers, engineers, and practicing building biologists. The foundations of the building biology standard and guides has always been:

  • Any risk reduction is work aiming for.
  • Numbers in the guide are only meant to be a guide, no more, no less.
  • Whenever possible use nature as the ultimate standard.

The Building Biology Standard and Guidelines are now being used as a basis and guideline by colleagues and institutes throughout Germany, Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Japan to name a few. As of 2016, there has been over 7000 students completing courses in building biology world wide.

To learn more about Building Biology click here or please contact Rob Metzinger - President, Safe Living Technologies Inc., EET, EMRS, BBEC.