New Safe and Sound EM3 Meter

3 Axis AC Mag, 1 Axis AC Electric, Body Voltage Meter

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Safe and Sound RF Meters

Best Selling RF Meters Worldwide


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We Make The Invisible, Visible ®

As an Electronics Engineering Technologist, Rob Metzinger – SLT’s President and Founder – became extremely concerned about the interference of man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the human body. Rob’s interest in EMF began in the year 2000, and Safe Living Technologies (SLT) was founded in 2006 – a time when wireless technology was beginning to boom, and without any caution or restraint.

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The #1 EMF We Can All Reduce In Our Home

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”
― Desiderius Erasmus

If you’re worried about 5G, you’ll be surprised to know that you may already be living inside a cell tower. When we have dirty electrical (DE) fields embedded within our home wiring, we can produce very high amounts of radiofrequency (RF), measured in power density (uW/m 2, microwatts per meter squared). Power density is defined as the amount of power per unit volume.

“Just 19.4 Volts per meter of an electric field with kHz frequencies embedded within the 60 Hertz field is equal to 1,000,000 uW/m 2 of a cell tower.”
― Paul Harding, Total EMF Solutions...

By: Roman S Shapoval

June 17th, 2024

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Best RF Test Meter for 5G Millimeter Waves: Safe & Sound Millimeter Wave Meter

This an excerpt from Michael Neuert's Live Q&A with his EMF eCourse students, on April 16, 2024.

Michael and Satya discuss the 2 types of 5G, and why you need a different test meter for each.

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