Interior Shielding

Interior Shielding



If you are worried about RF and microwaves in or outside your home, it is time to take action. Through a Radio Frequency Meter you can determine how high the levels of radio frequencies are in your home. With a radio frequency shielding product like our Premium Handmade Bed Canopy, you can reduce most of the harmful radio frequencies from inside or outside your home. Applying 

If you want to go further and shield the rest of your home, Safe Living Technologies offer other shielding products and material to go along with your Bed Canopy, such as; Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Mesh, Paint, and Window Film.

Learn More About Our Top Interior Shielding Products

Swiss Shield Fabrics & Bed Canopies

Our Swiss Shield Bed Canopies and Fabrics offer a very high shielding performance and are made to fit the needs of the chemically sensitive.

Safe and Sound RF-ECO Paint

Our Safe and Sound RF-ECO Paint is an excellent EMF/RF shielding paint, made for interior and exterior applications.

Signal Protect RF Shielding Window Film

Our Signal Protect RF Shielding Window Film offers excellent shielding effectiveness, and is perfect for shielding from RF radiation around your home or work space.

2 of 2 Items
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    Yshield EMF Paint

    Yshield HSF54 EMF Shielding Paint - 5.28 US Gallons

    5.28 US Gallons of 5G EMF Shielding Paint (4 X 1.32 US Gallon Bins) YShield Paint *Does Not Include Free Shipping* YShield Paint / RF Shielding Paint / EMF Shielding Paint, Carbon Based and Corrosion Resistant, Attenuation of 44 dB / 99.996 % with one...

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    Swiss Shield

    Swiss Shield Daylite Bed Canopy

    Swiss Shield Daylite Bed Canopy Our Lightest And Most Breathable Synthetic Fabric - With Effective Protection Against Radio Frequency and Microwave Radiation Decorative synthetic non conductive fabric mesh - radio frequency / microwave shielding...

    $995.00 - $1,295.00
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