Electronics Warfare Expert Jerry Flynn - No Man-Made Radiation
Posted by Jerry Flynn on 11th Oct 2016
Highlights from Jerry Flynn's Career:
- Retired Canadian Armed Corces Captain
- Spent 22 of 26+ years service in Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW) and Radio Warfare (RW)
- 2 Years as the Executive Officer and Operations OOfficer at Ultra-Sensitive Radio Station directly employing 200+ radio operators & technicians
- 2 Years in National Defense Headquarters in the Directorate of Electronic Warfare as the Staff Officer EW for Canada's only Army EW Squadron
- Conducted EW Operations at sea with RCN and on land with NATO and EW units
Please see link below for his take on Canadian Health Guidelines pertaining to RF and EMF frequencies.
No One is Protecting Canadians From Man-Made Radiation Oct 10, 2016.pdf